Sound Alchemist & Soul Midwife

Isha’Aya Ma

Midwife, mother, wife, mystic, healer, gatekeeper, channel, magdalene, daughter of isis, priestess, medicine woman, sound healer and vocal alchemist. Here as a midwife to the remembering.

Reality in this harmonic universe is an eternally undulating sea of vibration and sound. Every human being on this planet is a vitally important piece of the whole, each of us a note in a great symphony. Our innate gifts are expressed through our frequency, and as we clear the clutter from our bodies, minds and hearts our paths begin to light up more clearly beneath our feet. My love of song and sound began early in my life and has steadily grown throughout the years. It began to reveal itself as an instrumental part of my own path in 2013 when I first discovered the connection between singing and somatic trauma release from my body. In 2019 I had a life altering experience in which the portal of my own voice opened and the the most healing and angelic sounds began to flow from within. Shortly after this experience I found the crystal tones alchemy bowls and from the moment I placed my hands on them, new worlds began to reveal themselves to me. It is my greatest desire to serve by connecting people to the healing power of sound and song, and ultimately to assist them in revealing their own unique song..